

Constant Beamwidth Transducers (CBTs)

AES Papers


Contact Don

Picture of Albert Einstein part 1 www.dbkeele.com D.B. Keele, Jr. - The Official Website www.dbkeele.com
Picture of Albert Einstein part 2 www.dbkeele.com Although the connection cannot be proven, theory and rumour has it that Don Keele had a great uncle (four times removed) that was the lost adopted twin of Albert Einstein. Broadus D. Einstein studied with Albert, frequented the same barber, and was credited for major improvements  in the pocket protector, which is a portable writing utensil and other useful knick-knack storage system. www.dbkeele.com Broudus D Einstein www.dbkeele.com

Copyright DBK Associates and Labs- All rights reserved
"Academy Awards or Oscars" plus imagery © Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

This website designed and coded by Kevin Keele