

Constant Beamwidth Transducers (CBTs)

AES Papers


Contact Don

D.B. Keele, Jr.  -- The Official Website
Mr. Keele received the 2001 TEF Richard C. Heyser Award for contributions to loudspeaker measurements. In 2002 he received a Scientific and Technical Academy Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for work he did on Cinema constant-directivity loudspeaker systems and is listed in the AES Audio Timeline where he pioneered the design of constant-directivity high-frequency horns in 1974.
Here are some various images from the Academy Awards honors.

Scanned image of the awards letter sent to Don Keele from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences for Scientific and Technical Achievments

Awards Letter
(Requires Flash)

Scanned image of the advertisement from JBL announcing the Academy Award given to Don Keele and others from Harman.

JBL Advertisment
(Requires PDF)

Acadamy Award for Scientific and Technical Achievment

Paparazzi Photo of Don Keele

Paparazzi Photo

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July 2010 Revision
Copyright DBK Associates and Labs- All rights reserved
"Academy Awards or Oscars" plus imagery © Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

This website designed and coded by Kevin Keele